Zach Windahl is a young entrepreneur. His first few businesses were failures, but his latest, The Brand Sunday, is a success. When he’d hit rock bottom, he turned back to God, putting Him first in everything. Only then did Windahl see the opportunity that was in front of him, and the purpose that he felt God was calling him to. In the Introduction, he describes Launch with God this way: “this is a book for people who feel their God-given purpose is in entrepreneurship. If that’s you, the pages ahead will provide you with a framework to launch a profitable business that matters.”
That framework is presented in five parts: Partnering with God, Preparing for the Wilderness, Creating Your Big Idea, Ready for Launch, and Living with Purpose. Although the book has a light, breezy feel to it, it includes practical guidance on how to approach each of these phases of launching and growing a business. Even more, by humbly sharing his own stumbles, Windahl helps us understand how to fully integrate our faith into the struggles and the triumphs that lie ahead.
I think Launch with God can be a great encouragement to any Christian entrepreneur or any believer who dreams of someday launching their own business. While the book doesn’t provide detailed step-by-step instructions for everything involved in launching a business, it provides insights that can guide the heart and the mind to approach all the necessary steps with true wisdom.
You may not completely agree with Windahl on every theological point (I don’t) but his honest and humble wrestling with how his faith intersects with his startup ambitions seems to strike the right balance of being serious about his faith without coming across as preachy.
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