Gentleness Brings Stability

A popular saying suggests that “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” This notion is evident in society, where individuals with significant power often succumb to arrogance and intimidation to fulfill their desires. However, that’s not God’s way. The only truly absolute power is God and God is holy, the opposite of corruption.

As we grow in godliness, through the Holy Spirit’s sanctification, we aim to reflect qualities like gentleness, kindness, and graciousness in our lives. Unlike a bully who relies on intimidation due to insecurity, a godly leader exhibits gentleness rooted in confidence in God’s power, without the need for validation from others. True confidence breeds peace, secure in our responsibilities, and wanting the best for others.

Read more about how gentleness interacts with other God-honoring character traits and how we can use gentleness to glorify God in our businesses here.

Gentleness, far from indicating weakness, actually showcases real strength and security.

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