It’s not often that I get an extremely strategic piece of direct mail, but that’s exactly what happened yesterday.
Yesterday’s mailing from Ligonier Ministries included a brochure titled “Unwavering Commitments.” The terminology immediately made me think of the term “Non-negotiable Principles” that I’ve been using lately to reflect how organizations need to step up from the platitudes often called “Core Values” to something more meaningful and real.
In reading through the commitments in the brochure, I think they represent a mix of “Non-negotiable Principles” and “Pillars”. With that in mind, in the article linked here I take a shot at laying out the core elements of Ligonier’s strategy purely using this one document.
While this “marketing” piece isn’t designed to be the perfect “strategy” document, it does a great job of ensuring that all stakeholders understand the goal and how the organization will make decisions in working to achieve it.
When was the last time you so clearly communicated your strategy to stakeholders?