Be Kind in Business

Our kindness in our business shows up in how we treat others especially our employees, customers, and suppliers. We are compassionate towards their needs, bearing with their weaknesses and mistakes, and seeking their good, even at our own expense. By doing so, we reflect the character of God and bring Him glory.

We all know people who have been kind to us, and these are the types of people we generally like to be around. We cheer for them and like to see them succeed.

Opposites of kindness include cruelty, meanness, heartlessness, maliciousness and pettiness. Each of these words brings forth images that help us better appreciate what it means to be kind. 

People like to work for kind bosses. Customers like to frequent businesses where they are met with kindness. Many more are happy to see a kind business succeed than to see a cruel or heartless one prosper.

Read the full article here.

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