Churchmanship and Your Business

One of my favorite podcasts uses the tagline “Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey. But it doesn’t have to be.” Business owners need to nurture healthy relationships or else the burdens they bear are likely to overwhelm them. Without a support system, both your business and your health are likely to suffer.

God knows that it’s not good for us to be alone and that we are prone to being tossed to and fro by the world around us. He knits us together into a church family to give us stability in our faith, to provide us an environment where we can grow in His grace, and to provide a community that we can love and that can love and serve us. You may wonder how the student, the airline pilot, the machinist, the homemaker, the web developer, the nurse, or the retiree in the pews with you could possibly help you run your business better, but each of them has gifts and insights that are different from yours and they may very well surprise you with the wisdom they are able to speak into your business situation. If nothing else, they can take your needs to the One whose wisdom and ability are beyond measure.

Read my full article here to learn more about what it means to be a good “churchman” and why it matters.

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