Book Brief: Restoring Our Sanity Online

Restoring Our Sanity Online by Mark Weinstein makes a strong case for the need to reinvent social networking and for the author’s new category concept of Restoration Networks as the solution. It is a good example of a new category point of view narrative for anyone trying to define a new product category.

Weinstein is not a disinterested outsider reporting on the challenges introduced by the social networking industry. He deeply understands the space and is passionate about the problems Big Tech has caused and the potential to fix what is broken. That passion comes through in his writing which is often fiery and pointed. Although well referenced (there are 43 pages of endnotes), this is not an academic tome, but rather a fervent manifesto challenging the status quo.

Through the first 19 chapters of the book, Weinstein introduces the need and pieces of the solution. He addresses the big problems caused by Big Tech Social Networks (privacy, anonymity, bots, trolls, hate, cyberbullying, profit-driven algorithms, targeted ads, boosted posts, divisiveness, mental health challenges, etc.) and how other proposed solutions (Web3, blockchain, decentralization, etc.) fall short of solving the problems. Along the way he introduces components of what he sees as the “real” solution.

In chapter 20 Weinstein fully defines his new category of social network in the form of “The Restoration Networking Constitution”. 

He closes the book with an optimistic assessment of what he has laid out: “Now is our time to advance humanity’s genuine connectivity. In tandem, we can bolster mental health, personal privacy, civil discourse, and democracy. Starting right now, let’s escape from the social media asylum and restore our sanity.” The (over) optimism expressed in that closing statement reflects the spirit of the entire book. Weinstein cares deeply about the problems that Big Tech have caused and he believes he has the answer. 

We can argue over whether the author’s vision is achievable, but hopefully the book will create enough awareness to get the debate started. It’s an informative book for anyone who uses social media today, and an essential book for those interested in helping fix the problems.

Read my full review here.

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