God is always watching

Coaching legend John Wooden famously said “The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.” Sadly, many businessmen would rather live by the foolishness expressed by the TV character Al Bundy when he said “it’s only cheating if you get caught.”

The fourth attitude required for glorifying God with your business is that “God is always watching.” The world may pressure us to lie and cheat and steal and otherwise hurt our neighbors for our own gain, but that is not God’s way. God is watching. He wants what is best for us, and that best includes living by His standards.

Many academics say that the answer to improving business ethics is to help business leaders become fully rational in their decision making “in order to better align our behavior with our goals.”  It seems this will naturally lead to unethical behavior, not the opposite.

With society’s rejection of moral absolutes, the problem is getting worse. According to the 2024 American Worldview Inventory, 40% of Gen Xers, 55% of Millenials, and 66% of Gen Zers believe it is morally acceptable to do anything you desire as long as it doesn’t hurt another. “No harm, no foul,” their attitudes seem to say. For too many in business, right and wrong are defined by what best meets their personal needs.

Christians know that morality isn’t a relative personal choice depending on the situation, it is defined by God’s unchanging standards. God is always watching over us, but not as a “cosmic killjoy”. Yes, He is grieved by our sins, but He is also watching over us for our good. He cares, He loves, He protects, and He provides. 

To the sinner, God’s omnipresence (He is everywhere), omnipotence (all powerful) and omniscience (all knowing) should be terrifying. To the redeemed, there’s no greater comfort than knowing that God is always with us, is all powerful, and is working all things to our good.

Read the full story here.

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