About SDG Strategy

I’ve been reworking my website to reflect my new focus on helping business owners prepare for their eventual exit. This week I came to the “About Us” page, which is always hard for me. Since the SDG in my company name stands for Soli Deo Gloria, it seems hypocritical to be bragging about my capabilities, but I know I need to explain to potential clients why they can trust me to be able to help them improve the performance, value, and alignment of their business.

Hopefully the video I came up with gives God the glory for the ways He has blessed me so that I can help business owners. You can watch it at my website at https://www.sdgstrategy.com/russ-story or if you’d rather read the script, you can find that here: https://clearpurpose.media/about-sdg-strategy-1dc2d202268a 

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