Leadership Not By The Book was released as part of the celebration of Hobby Lobby’s 50th anniversary year. Founder and CEO David Green is now 80+ years old and he wrote the book (with Bill High’s help) to share the biblically-informed wisdom that has shaped key (unconventional) business practices that he believes have played a key role in the company’s long-term success. The book is structured as 12 chapters, each titled based on one of those practices. The book is organized in three sections (God-centered practices, People-focused practices, and Commonsense practices), each containing 4 chapters. Each chapter explains the principle behind the practice and the basis for it (usually drawn from the Bible) while telling multiple stories to demonstrate why it makes sense and how it has contributed to Hobby Lobby’s success. The writing style is somewhat folksy — neither trying to be a theological treatise, nor a “serious” business book. It’s written by a down-to-earth business owner for other practical business owners.
Bottom line, Leadership Not By The Book provides twelve Bible-based principles that David Green has followed over the past 50 years in growing Hobby Lobby into a successful business. While I may not agree with exactly how Hobby Lobby is applying those principles in operating their business today, they are still worthy of consideration by any business leader, especially a Christian one.