The Unicorn Within, by Linda K. Yates, teaches mature companies how to launch disruptive new ventures the same way that startups do, but with the added boost of what the author calls “the Mothership advantage”.
The Unicorn Within is primarily aimed at leaders of large, mature businesses who want to increase innovation specifically by establishing the capability to launch new startup ventures from within. The book lays out the comprehensive methodology that Yates’ company Mach49 uses to help their clients do just that. This involves a major commitment of time and resources.
The Unicorn Within will also be valuable to anyone wanting to know how to launch startups outside of big companies. The Mach49 methodology is based upon the best practices used by the most successful venture-backed startups. First time entrepreneurs (and even those who’ve started companies in the past) will benefit from the detailed step-by-step process the author lays out for launching a new venture. Those that teach entrepreneurship should consider using the book in their classes. Those that coach, mentor, or otherwise support entrepreneurs will also gain valuable insights into what it takes to successfully launch a startup.
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