The word “praxis” means “Practical application or exercise of a branch of learning.” The authors of this book are leaders of Praxis, a “community dedicated to putting our Christian faith into practice through redemptive entrepreneurship.” The Redemptive Business is Praxis’ latest effort to teach Christian entrepreneurs how to practically put their faith into practice in their businesses.
This small book starts with a section on “First Principles” which introduces The Redemptive Frame combining the Three Ways to Work (exploitative, ethical, and redemptive) with the Three Dimensions of Work (strategy, operations, and leadership). That leads to six commitments of redemptive business: Product and Brand (Strategy); Culture, Business Model, and Partnerships (Operations); and Ambition (Leadership). The rest of the book teaches the reality, redemptive opportunities, and good news of each of those commitments.
The Redemptive Business does not provide simple answers, or step-by-step recipes for success as a redemptive entrepreneur, but does an excellent job of identifying practical and tactical ways in which leaders should reconsider how they operate their businesses. Given the minimal investment required in dollars and time, I strongly recommend that all Christians in business give this book a look.