Faith Driven Entrepreneur

This week I “attended” the first Faith Driven Entrepreneur conference. Virtual conferences are still a bit unnatural with their mix of live and pre-recorded content and the challenges of networking in a disconnected environment.

The organizers of FDE did a great job on the content side, signing up an impressive lineup of speakers with 19 speakers in 16 slots during the two general sessions (totaling about three and a half hours) plus 9 breakout panel discussions. Some great content was live and I don’t think is (yet?) available online, but in this article I wanted to share three of the speaker slots that were pre-recorded that really challenged me (in a good way). I hope they can encourage you as well.

The conference was a small glimpse into God’s work being done in many places and in many ways. We don’t all look the same. We don’t all go to the same kind of church and we may disagree on different aspects of theology. But we are all seeking to love God and to love our neighbors. Praise God for the work He is doing through faith driven entrepreneurs around the world!

Read the full article.

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